I always look forward to Sunday. Other than it gives me the pleasure of waking up late, this is the day I can bond much with my family. I can now afford not to watch noon time variety shows or watch downloaded movies. My husband and I could just spend almost the whole day staying in our room bonding with our baby. We take turn holding our baby letting him do his favorite activity, jumping. Yes, jumping. I think, jumping is the ultimate expression of our baby's happiness (http://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=145488455497624&id=1337389223). We're very much happy looking at him so innocent with all the smiles,shrieking and cooing while jumping not minding our biceps ache later (he's already almost 7kilos). If he gets tired then he naps for a few minutes.... then wake up... then play then finally sleep for an hour or two. While's he's asleep I read magazines (I think blogging in the future heheheh) and my hubby do his computer thing. So literally almost the whole day we're in our room.
But last Sunday, November 14, 2010 was different. We watched Pacquiao's fight through online streaming with baby Jaiden in my arm cooing waiting for his sleepy eyes to close. Two men from our neighborhood joined us. Later, mother-in-law arrived with her apo, Sam, to spend some time with her also apo, Jaiden. During round eight, Jaiden finally got to sleep in his crib oblivious of the noise below created by the boxing enthusiasts. He woke up minutes after the Pacquiao fight ended and found it hard to take his nap again. So we decided to get ready for our SM malling.

Before we head to the mall. Mamala Arming and Jaiden took their poses. This is one of those pics. Jaiden is actually isn't his usual self because he isn't familiar yet with his lola Arming. This explains the look in his face.

So upon arriving in SM Jaiden yawned once in a while and finally took his nap. We had him in his stroller for about thirty minutes I think.

Afterwhich, Mama, Josh, Jaiden and I did our mall thing. Pangga wasn't able to join us because he went with his Mama Arming's ailing friend's birthday salo-salo. This said friend requested to bring along pangga and us (Jaiden and I) but I had managed to excuse ourselves because the host's place might not be friendly for Jaiden and Jaiden now has a stranger anxiety. We already know how hard it is to console Jaiden when he cries.

Josh enjoyed pushing the stroller even if Jaiden isn't riding it. I dubbed him the "ultimate-stroller-pusher".... hehehehe. He always followed me (pushing the stroller) everywhere I go while I carried Jaiden even inside boutiques I window-shopped.
Chrismas trees and angel miniatures abound in the ground of SM Northwing. People took their pictures. We didn't hesitate to do the same.

We sat in the benches and Jaiden did his jumping after taking his bottled milk (much energy to consume then).
Mama watched the Christmas choral presentation with again tired-sleepy Jaiden cooing while I enjoyed taking candid shots. Taking the cues, I took Jaiden in my arms and window-shopped some boutiques to let him fall asleep. He cooed or we called it his talking-to-himself activity until he silently fall asleep.
This pic is from the 2nd floor of SM Northwing, mama is watching the choir while Jaiden did his talking-to-himself activity.
Later, we decided to go to the department stores to see some Christmas curtains. Still, sleepy Jaiden was in my arms. So imagine the walked we had from Northwing to the upper part (where furnitures and homey things are displayed) of the department store then back again to the Northwing to wait for pangga to pick us up! It was really so physical for me considering my one inch heel sandals. Whheeewww!!! so tiring but fun! At least I learned now that our baby is now okay for malling with his stroller though I had to ready my biceps also just in case :) .
I always look forward to Sunday. Other than it gives me the pleasure of waking up late, this is the day I can bond much with my family. I can now afford not to watch noon time variety shows or watch downloaded movies. My husband and I could just spend almost the whole day staying in our room bonding with our baby. We take turn holding our baby letting him do his favorite activity, jumping. Yes, jumping. I think, jumping is the ultimate expression of our baby's happiness (http://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=145488455497624&id=1337389223). We're very much happy looking at him so innocent with all the smiles,shrieking and cooing while jumping not minding our biceps ache later (he's already almost 7kilos). If he gets tired then he naps for a few minutes.... then wake up... then play then finally sleep for an hour or two. While's he's asleep I read magazines (I think blogging in the future heheheh) and my hubby do his computer thing. So literally almost the whole day we're in our room.
But last Sunday, November 14, 2010 was different. We watched Pacquiao's fight through online streaming with baby Jaiden in my arm cooing waiting for his sleepy eyes to close. Two men from our neighborhood joined us. Later, mother-in-law arrived with her apo, Sam, to spend some time with her also apo, Jaiden. During round eight, Jaiden finally got to sleep in his crib oblivious of the noise below created by the boxing enthusiasts. He woke up minutes after the Pacquiao fight ended and found it hard to take his nap again. So we decided to get ready for our SM malling.
Before we head to the mall. Mamala Arming and Jaiden took their poses. This is one of those pics. Jaiden is actually isn't his usual self because he isn't familiar yet with his lola Arming. This explains the look in his face.
So upon arriving in SM Jaiden yawned once in a while and finally took his nap. We had him in his stroller for about thirty minutes I think.
Afterwhich, Mama, Josh, Jaiden and I did our mall thing. Pangga wasn't able to join us because he went with his Mama Arming's ailing friend's birthday salo-salo. This said friend requested to bring along pangga and us (Jaiden and I) but I had managed to excuse ourselves because the host's place might not be friendly for Jaiden and Jaiden now has a stranger anxiety. We already know how hard it is to console Jaiden when he cries.
Josh enjoyed pushing the stroller even if Jaiden isn't riding it. I dubbed him the "ultimate-stroller-pusher".... hehehehe. He always followed me (pushing the stroller) everywhere I go while I carried Jaiden even inside boutiques I window-shopped.
Chrismas trees and angel miniatures abound in the ground of SM Northwing. People took their pictures. We didn't hesitate to do the same.
We sat in the benches and Jaiden did his jumping after taking his bottled milk (much energy to consume then).
Mama watched the Christmas choral presentation with again tired-sleepy Jaiden cooing while I enjoyed taking candid shots. Taking the cues, I took Jaiden in my arms and window-shopped some boutiques to let him fall asleep. He cooed or we called it his talking-to-himself activity until he silently fall asleep.
Later, we decided to go to the department stores to see some Christmas curtains. Still, sleepy Jaiden was in my arms. So imagine the walked we had from Northwing to the upper part (where furnitures and homey things are displayed) of the department store then back again to the Northwing to wait for pangga to pick us up! It was really so physical for me considering my one inch heel sandals. Whheeewww!!! so tiring but fun! At least I learned now that our baby is now okay for malling with his stroller though I had to ready my biceps also just in case :) .
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2073865&id=1337389223 - visit this album to see some of our malling pics.
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