Monday, November 19, 2012

Time To Let Go

When I met you,
          I immediately fell in love with you,
But I was having second thoughts,
         because you were too high, my usual.
So I put  you down, slept over, deliberated,
        until I decided.

You were very supportive in my everyday struggles.
Whenever I was in tough roads or in slippery paths,
        you uphold me with much comfort.
In fact, I believe you made me feel at ease
        when at times I was confused whether to believe them.
Indeed, the saying was true when my doctor said so when I was expecting.
So I never regretted having you.

Last night, I had made some of my biggest decision in life.
It has been four years of you supporting me, comforting me,
         while at the same time, elevating me and made me look descent.
But you're no longer the brand new that I fell in love with.

Lately, more than two instances that I almost slide walking.
I felt a little pain wearing you.
Your facade showed some discoloration,
          even your heels posed a threat of wreckage.
Things in this world aren't really meant to last.

Time to let you go now my beloved,
          Rusty Lopez shoes!
You cost me two grands
          but it was worth it.

Now I would say,
I love you, goodbye!


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Excel 101: Down Mood

I'm kind of feeling down right now...don't know how to ease it. I want to cry, I want to be comforted...  do you sometimes feel like you want to do something or there's something you like to do but can't actually figure out what is it? In short, your just totally confused, probably lost. Though I know "lost" is such a heavy word to put it.

I think it has got to do with my goal today. I'm setting myself to finish this but for some reasons because there are just people who aren't that adept with the use of Excel, the work is slowed. You give this instruction or goal but you're just torn because you still have to train the person how to filter, how to format the cells to date setting, et al. Haaiisstt..... even how to print preview or to set up the settings before you print the file, the person can't deliver it! gosh!!! "maboang ko!" I still have to do "Excel 101" lessons huh!his is my term when I still have to teach the basic of Excel. Well, in fairness to them, it's not really their fault. Then who's fault could it be? The school?

I'm just probably so pressured to deliver our group task, that I haven't fully grasp the instruction of my boss. So, I think it's one of the reason why I feel low though not "so low". Going home at 7 to your waiting hubby and sweet little boy somehow lightens up my mood a bit.

Well, "going home at 7" is I believe one of those factor. I just wanted to go home early when I just couldn't because there are just some people that I can't understand why aren't they conscious of the time. Is it probably because they're use to "offer time" (their term when they work beyond office time without overtime pay) that they do their work late when it could have been done earlier? Don't they mind those people who are affected that still have something to do after office time? To put it short basically, there's something I like to happen that didn't happen because she said "she doesn't know what to reason" - this is the downiest thing to end your work for the day when you're just too tired to extend.

To recall:
*Not able to meet my goal for the day because Excel 101, slows down the pacing.
*Somebody is just too inefficient in their job that resulted to my "unwelcomed-unexpected-offertime". I already did "offertime" the other night but just this night I should have gone home early because I felt I was already unproductive because my mind was just so stressed and disappointed.  

On the other hand, this is what I realized when it keeps on coming on my head the statement "di jd ta kapasar ani sa ISO bah!" - I can only say, "hire competent people to pass the standard".