Sunday, April 24, 2011

You've Changed

For more than a decade, I never thought we would come to this point of our lives. I had always been proud that you had stuck with me all through out. Back then you were so sweet and I thought you had full of care. Now I'm beginning to have second thought.

 I was always the one who walked out whenever I couldn't stand it and remember? you were the one who made it a rule to always finish it no matter how tiring and how late it would take us.

Everything changed when He gave us our ultimate joy. I thought it was the stress and the situation. However, last night I told you how I felt about it. Now it pained me to realize that you seemed not to care. I thought I just have to keep it to myself. I don't know why it seems very hard now to do the thing we have very much struggled to worked out in the past. The thing that made us strong and is our very core foundation until lately. I really don't know why.

After this, I'll talk to you for the last time. I'm afraid that this will all build up within me and in fairness to you because if I don't do it now, it might be late for you to do anything about it.

I thought it would be fitting to borrow Carrie Bradshaw's line in Sex and the City 2 though it's not exactly the situation we are in. She said, " we were perfectly happy before we decided to live happily ever after". I hope this isn't the case we have now.

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