Monday, January 24, 2011

Our Daily Bread

I had gotten this book as a freebie when I bought my doll shoes in SoFab! last Decemeber 2010. I was glad then since I could start my 2011 when a daily reading of Bible passages. Though I couldn't really made it everyday but I make it a point not to be delayed much. At least I could just be delayed in a day during weekdays or two during weekends.

Reading the Bible keeps me grounded. It reminded me to be humble and rethink of my past actions. I haven't really gone to Sunday mass lately because we still or I still can't find the time or is afraid that Jaiden might not find it comfortable if the time slot we will attend might fall in his sleeping time. Let alone his baptismal rites for his incessant crying.

I hope to continue doing this as much as possible to stay grounded and humbled. So help me God. :)

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