No doubt for sure that Jaiden got the shape of his face, his chin, lips and ears from his papa. I believe his nose is mine :) though Ariel really had a hard time and it really took him so much to realize it. His eyes are round and I think mine is too ( hehehheheh, Jaiden's pediatrician was my kakampi (she took my side). His eyes will take a moon shape (or smiles also) when he will give a hearty smile (
All the above comparisons are just based on the majority's observation but nothing beats yours.
What do you think?
What do you think?
quick look at jaiden? he really is his dad's son. But at a close look? he does have some of your attributes t, hehehe. All in all though, he is Elroy's. hahaha. sorry the judgement is final.
hahahahh, ganun? yeah, I already accepted that. That's the automatic observation :)
you're no exception to the majority then heheheh
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