Sunday, December 26, 2010

Brainy Baby

When Jaiden was still about to be five months old he already showed interests in watching t.v. intently. So I looked for learning CDs/DVDs to put his liking to use. As I searched for it I found out that Brainy Baby's learning DVDs are good but their minimum or lowest age (qualified to watch) DVDs is from six months old. Hence, it didn't fit Jaiden's age. Somehow I thought that Brainy Baby's age bracketing was just an ideal one and I was thinking that who cares as long as my baby would enjoy it then why not buy! So I bought Brainy Baby Peek-a-Boo. True enough I don't regret it. Jaiden enjoyed it at his early age of four months yet he'll still be six months this coming 28th of December.

The pictures (first two were taken last Dec.27, 2010, one day before he turns six months while the latter pic was taken ahead than the first two) were taken during his usual Brainy Baby Peek-a-Boo watching sessions. An enjoyment in his face meant that he was watching the portion were a toddler sings to his papa Twinkle Twinkle Little Star or a mother sings to her baby The Wheels on the Bus. And yes! that is how he places his feet when he watches Brainy Baby.
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