I have just learned from my mother now that she's having difficulty keeping baby Jaiden in his high chair during his meal time. The moment he saw the high chair even though he's hungry already, he would whine because he doesn't like to sit. If mama would insist, he would attempt to stand up and is usually successful in doing so. I wonder when did this start? He was very much okay during his first moments of solid food eating.
There was a time that mama called me up in my office asking me what to do since she couldn't let baby Jaiden sit. I told her that: "maybe he wasn't in the mood yet to eat and just allow him to stand (or play) for a few minutes in his high chair. He might sit once he's very much hungry already". After our brief telephone conversation, mama didn't give me feedback. So I was assuming that she did it. However, I'm astounded by what she told me tonight. She said that at times she would just let baby Jaiden sit on her lap then feed him. Lately, she had him in his stroller.
Mama said that the probable reason why he doesn't want to be in his high chair is that the table is too high for him yet. The table isn't within his arms' level so he couldn't put his arms properly. In short, he's just to small yet for his high chair.
I don't know if I have to worry now or later (baby is now eight months old) because I'm afraid it might be too late to train him if we wouldn't do it now. If not now, at what age will he be trained then? As of this moment, it's his pedia's words of advice that has kept on bothering me which is, "train him on a high chair once you start feeding him solid food". Maybe there's still something we can do with his high-table high chair? I'll ask his papa as soon as he arrives.
I hope I could get s0me piece of advice from mothers out there who have had or have the same concern as I have now.
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