Monday, February 28, 2011

My Laptop, A Very Much Part of Me

gem: A Christmas Present: "You have not been conceptualize from the start. He just suggested in you in passing. Somehow he gave me the idea and made me think. One day..."

I'm forever grateful to my Pangga for gifting me a laptop. As I have said, I have never realized how it would made an impact in my new chapter of life. Ever since I have it, my past time activities has very much changed other than it has already since our baby Jaiden's arrival. This laptop has helped me a lot in coping up my ever challenging tasks as a working mother. I am able to make a flexible time for my self recreation. The last time I watched a movie in a big screen was the day before I delivered our baby (June 27, 2010). I can still remember that the movie we watched was a 3D Toy Story 3. I think during that time I already had a pre-labor but the pain was just tolerable. Maybe our baby made his reaction with the loud noise the theater made. With my laptop, since I couldn't afford yet to go in a movie house, I own my time as to when and what movie to watch. Also, there are so many things I can do to pass my time while at the same time taking care of our baby after office hours and during Sundays.

The following are some of those activities but not limited to:

1)I was very much engrossed with my blogging, that I was able to made quite plenty already during night time when our baby allowed me, that is when he fell asleep before 10P.M.  However, it made me sleep very late which I think resulted to my acne. Blogging serves as my medium of expressing myself but with limitations (of course! my partner is so adamant about this) because you have the international network as your audience. It also enhances my English composition. Hence, FYI, I very much welcome comments, corrections or suggestions .

2) Before I just saved pics in USB then had them printed. Now, I'm able to edit our pics in Picassa or Picnik  according to my likes before I saved them for printing. However, as of now I'm not done yet because somehow my blogging really has its way of getting into me (hehhehe). I have less or no more time left after I finished blogging. Before I know it, it would already be time to sleep. Then again and again, I have to tell myself that I should finish my picture editing and summarizing.

3)I always bring my laptop in the office. So whenever I'm bored, Facebook, Google news et al are just within my arms' reach. It's just not boredom but also drowsiness. Like now, I'm writing this article to open up my eyes. I believe that no matter how sleepy or tired your eyes are if you're doing something that interests you, your will surely be wide awake and just this afternoon I'm really not mistaken (hehehe). I know it's wrong because it's supposed to be working time but I'm not productive when I'm sleepy so I have to find ways, right?

4) Pangga installed a camera in our sala. We are able to watch our baby through this camera's website in our office. So, we seem not far from our baby then.

5) My laptop also helps me entertain my baby until he falls to sleep at night. He very much likes to watch Twinkle Twinkle Little Star ( and Baba Black Sheep (  in Youtube. I believe that Jaiden and I are one of those who made these videos have a count of more than a million views. We watch those almost every night.

5) When Jaiden would already have enough of those mentioned videos (above), I switched to MyDSL Watchpad. This is one of the benefits of being a PLDT internet subscriber. You get to see some cable channels like CNN, NatGeo, History et al.

6) Lately, I've been taught by my Pangga how to download movies in . I'm very much happy to now have the power to download the movies I want. I had been asking him to download Sex and the City and The Twilight Eclipse but indirectly he didn't give in to my demands. I just realized now what could be the possible reason. There are just so many movies to choose (in torrent, oh! such a piracy) and it would take very much time to download. Even I myself is finding it hard to decide what to download first. Other than the movies I had asked (him to download) are so girly meaning not his thing, the internet speed is very much affected once you download. The speed would become very slow. Nevertheless, at least for now I have lots of movies in queue for watching like Black Swan, Dear John, Season of the Witch, Sex and the City and Twilight Eclipse . I finally get to see the movies I had been demanding. By the way, I have just watched Resident Evil, After Life last night. There was no story in it just much action.

7) My laptop also serves as my knowledge enhancer if not, answers to anything I want to know. This is possible through different search engines but I'm into Google. Anything I want to know, links are there for you to learn. However, you have to learn cautiously.

So you see, my laptop has greatly affected my life. As to how, you be the judge. :)

Pondering on and Learning

Today is the 8th month old of our baby. How time flies so fast and before I know it he'll be one year old four months from now. Thank you so much Lord for hearing our prayer. We are forever grateful to you. Every time I look at our baby specially when he's sound asleep, I'm still accepting the truth that we really indeed have now our most awaited baby. Thank you so much Lord!..... Thank you Mama Mary!!!

Our Daily Bread for yesterday Mat.20:20-28 has enlightened me. It says, "No one wants to be weak, so we find ways to appear strong. Some of us use the force of our emotions to manipulate people. Others use the force of personality to control people, and some use intellect to intimidate. Although these create an illusion of strength, they are signs of weakness. When we are truly strong, we have the courage to admit our limitations and to acknowledge our dependence on God./This is a hard truth. I prefer the illusion of strength to the reality of weakness. But God wants us to realized that true strength comes when we stop trying to control people and start serving them instead." - Julie Ackerman Link...... Well, this is hard to do but I believe this to be indeed a reality in life.

For today, Mark 7:9-13 says "Jesus rebuked their common practice of dedicating their material possessions to God rather than using their assets to provide for their parents. Their tradition had violated the commandment to honor their father and their mother." It's just now that I realized that it's specifically said in the Bible we are to provide our aging parents.
              Providing for our parents' needs
          With loving words and selfless deeds
            Is what the Lord expects of those
         Who try to follow where He leads - Sper

I thank you Lord for giving me the wisdom of your teachings.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Love and Other Drugs

I've just watched this movie. I find it some kind of feeling good kind of movie with a mix of drama and humor. I rate it 7 out of 10.

This movie is really for adults only since the love story part could not be given justice if bed scenes aren't to be showed. Bed scenes were the foundations of their love story. It has to be done to make it a convincing, interesting and a natural one. Lots of naked bodies were exposed by the main characters. I could really salute them for being so professional specially Anne Hathaway. Unlike our local artists here who just specializes in one genre. Like a local artists who specializes in drama alone, would have to be it for the rest of her career because if she'll go beyond that like exposing her body parts, her package or wholesome image would be smeared. Her fans might not like it, hence she'll not be marketable anymore to the masses who are her and her manager's milking cow. This drama local artist must as much as possible protect her image. On the other hand, Anne Hathaway's first starring role movie if I'm not mistaken was Princess Diary, a wholesome one. However now, in this movie she didn't mind her fans. She did what she has to do to give justice to the movie. She came out here in sexy roles but she acted really good in the drama parts. So kudos to her! I think she delivered it well. She's an all in one artist. - a sexy drama actress which I have no doubt makes her one of the marketable talent.

Actor Jake Gyllenhaal, whatever the pronunciation of his family name is, surprised me of his good humor or shall I say "medrep convincing power" acting. I found his acting okay. I'm not a fan of him.  In fact I just know now his true name. I didn't like him to be the starring actor in Prince of Persia. I think his sense of humor acting in that movie was trying hard. However, in this movie he's natural in it.

The movie gave me a wider insight as to what medreps' lives are. How slave they are to the doctors and that a medrep has to be a good (not O.A.) charmer to charm the doctor's secretary or receptionist.

The movie also showed me a little insight on what Parkinson's disease is and how patients of this illness cope. Now I feel the need to Google it to learn more about it.

The title of the movie Love and Other Drugs is really fitting. The story is partly about the uncommitted relationship that has later on bloomed to LOVE. It also revolves in  certain pharmaceutical company (Pfizer), how they market their drugs  and how they trained their medical representatives to be a competitive one. One thing that struck me is the use of the lighted matchstick in timing their practiced speech about their products. They have to deliver in brief their speech introduction to start a conversation with a doctor. Also, I found it amazing - the giving of ballpens. Now I know that this gesture (the ballpen with the drug name in it) is really consciously part of their marketing tactics. How lucky are those doctors' receptionists because they're the abundant receiver of tokens (one of the pros if they're many) though one has to be cautious if a medrep is like the kind of Jamie. She'll surely end up in bed with him (heheheh).

Take it from me. If you're bored and want some different kind of love story, I believe this is the movie for you.

p/s I'm going to sleep late again! wwheeewww!!! this will surely worsen my skin problem. :(

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jaiden Now Claps

This video was taken last Sunday, February  20,2011. It was actually Kuya Josh who initiated clapping his hands with matching high pitch voice that would sort of like a Peek-a-boo that really entertained our happy-baby Jaiden. Without reservation, as innocent and baby as he is (as you had just seen in the video above) he gave a very hearty laugh which to our amazement entertained us also. Kuya Josh and I took turn in clapping our hands to our curious and absorptive baby-Jaiden.

Later on that night in our bed as I find ways to entertain him (actually it's hagwa I mean) to made him sleepy, I blurted out (take note I didn't clap my hands) "clap your hands" in a tune similar to that in the video above. Guess what? I was very much surprised because he did his own clapping of his hands. Though it was just very brief but I very much saw it. In the next coming days, I didn't know the progress of his newfound milestone development since he would sleep very early at night. So we just had a very short bonding moments.

Just this morning he showed to his papa his clapping of his hands which his amazed papa told me. It didn't surprise me though because I knew it already but I didn't know how long he would clap his hands. I assumed he clapped his hands just for a brief moment like it seems insignificant that his doing it. However, he greeted me differently when I arrived from work this afternoon. Usually I would find him in his walker with eyes very much eager to see who's about to pop-up in the door and when our eyes meet he would gave me his toothless grin. But this afternoon is different. I arrived without him in the living room (my papa said he was upstairs sleeping). So, I headed immediately to the C.R. to ease my impending call of nature. Moments later I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and then I saw mama (by the doorways of our C.R) carrying Jaiden. She told Jaiden, "clap your hands for mama". Just a simple command. No tune like that of the video above but just a plain command. Right there and then he smiled, lifted his arms on the air with hands open and showed me his clapping for I think quite sometime just enough for you to very much appreciate it.

Officially today, our seven moths old baby Jaiden already knows what the word "clap" means. Just a while ago, I tried thrice video-capturing  his clapping but was unsuccessful because the moment he saw my digicam facing at him he would stop and would attempt to touch it. I'll just try my luck next time and rest assured I'll copy paste here the link. So watch for it soon!!!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

gem: My Hopeful Weight Monitoring

gem: My Hopeful Weight Monitoring: "gem: gem: gem: Reality Hits Me: Yay!!! it's a good sign. Within a week I lost 1lb. So as of now, I'm 119 lbs. I wasn't able to do my work ..."

I had checked it the other day, rechecked it this morning and rechecked it tonight. It's confirmed. I am now 118 pounds, 2lbs. less since I have started my goal. Thank you Lord!

Way to go!!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Unsolicited SMS

*****"I felt cold and prayed to God immediately to let me handle the situation properly in case my doubt would be true. I couldn't contact his cellphone. nor his office landline phone. Where is he?"*****

He turned over to me his other cellphone just for the sole purpose for me to use the flash light every time I wake up during wee hours to feed our baby. Just a while ago, this cellphone received an SMS from an unregistered no. that stirred my curiosity to read the whole text since the summary or the front text (text ID before you're able to read the whole message) had a word "lab" (love). So I read the whole two SMS. It said "Labs, wer r u? D tka" (love where are you? I can't) is the first text then followed by the next text "D tka makontak lalabbs...." ( I can't reach you love). These messages are  undoubtedly can make any wife heart's beat so fast from the shocked of reading it. I paused for a moment thinking what to do, then I contacted the phone his carrying (currently using). Voila! his cellphone couldn't be reached. Was it just a coincidence? I called up again but to no avail. So I dialed the number of the unknown sender (of SMS) using my cellphone. Voila! (again) a lady with a youthful voice answered the phone then hanged up after I said my hello (by this moment my heart beat faster). I dialed again but her phone can no longer be reached. I paused for a moment, then dialed again. This time it rang once then the phone can no longer be reached again. I did this twice. Now, I felt coldness or did I shudder also? I can't remember anymore. It just happened so fast but I'm pretty sure I felt coldness all over my body. I can still remember the coldness of my palms. I paused for a few seconds thinking "what to do next?".  At the back of my head I thought of any clues of his past actions that were possibly doubtful but I couldn't remember any. If he was acting then he could surely win a Grammy award as a best actor. All I know is that lately he went home very much late. "Oh gosh!".

I went downstairs to call his land-line office phone and alas! the phone just kept ringing until the answering machine voiced. At that moment what came to my mind was "God please help me!". I went back upstairs acting as if everything's okay since mama is in the dinner table. I remember one night mama asked me how come he always went home late. I told her why was she making a fuss of it and that it was no problem with me. I told her his current job situation made him do it. Now mama's comment sprang to my mind but as much as I could, I managed to set it aside because the voice inside me told me that it's impossible he would do it but still "who knows?".

I went back to our room not knowing what to do. I still couldn't reach him when I tried again. I don't know if I wanted to cry or shout. For a moment, there was paranoia in me. I told myself to calm down, there must be some ways that I could reach him. I saw my laptop and thought that I could probably reach him through Facebook or Skype if he is online but he wasn't.  I sighed. I saw our baby asleep in our bed and told myself that our baby will stay with me and that he has to financially support him if ,God forbid, worse comes to worst. Suddenly, his cellphone received another SMS from the lady texter. By the way, she had no idea yet that when I called her (using my cellphone) a while ago, I had read her SMS messages (in his cellphone). The SMS said, "Labs, asa nka oi? Ma. late nata sa atong flight" (love where are you now? we'll be late of our flight). Whheeww (deep breath)!!!! I was just so relieved. What came to my mind after was "is she joking or making fun of me knowing that I called her?" or "did she just like to mess people's lives and found out that she was successful in doing so?". By then I had already gain my composure. Then came his call. By the sound of his voice, obviously he has no idea what has transpired. Then I received an SMS in my cellphone from the lady-texter. She asked who am I. She surely was wondering why I called her. I replied to her asking if she know the person who has the no.0917xxxxx (his cellphone number), whom she has just sent lots of SMS. Simultaneously, his cellphone received another SMS, "Gisapot na imong mommy ky ngano nawala ka kalit..... reply asap" (your mommy is already mad why you were gone so suddenly). This SMS now totally erased my doubt and fear.

Using my cellphone, we then exchanged SMS. She replied (after I asked her about his cellphone no.- above) that she was sorry because she SMS the wrong number and found out the reason why her hubby didn't answer her. I told her how I felt. She earnestly (I would assume) said sorry again. I answered that it was okay and thanked her for honestly replying my messages. So that was it.

Whhheeww!!!! what a night! there must've been something that made me panicked upon reading her first two SMS. That something is something to figure out. Maybe partly due to regular listening of Papa Joe's numerous caller with marriage problems seeking for advice. Unconsciously, I must've collated everything I learned and has exposed myself to unique marriage situations. Hence, gathered the do's and don'ts et al..  Well anyway, this night is surely something to remember on. She really had me there for a while. :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Broke Down

gem: Oh, Privacy!: "gem: My Valentine's Day: 'gem: Happy Valetine's Day!!!!: 'Though every day should be a day of LOVEJust like we have our birthdaysToday is an..."

I have been withholding my emotion the moment I read his email about my blog. It really bothers me. His email responses still lingered in my head while I was riding a tricyle on my way home. I felt disappointed (even until this very moment) and I have no intention of telling him let alone this blog. I acted normal when I arrived home.

Just this 7:03PM he called me up informing me that it's okay to upload my original blog. I told him "never mind, I'm tired. I already deleted some of it." Then he said that he texted me which I haven't read yet. Then we ended our brief cellphone conversation.

With Jaiden in my arms, I read his SMS and again his text refreshed me of my bad feeling about the supposed blog I emailed to him. In his text he asked me if I still have the original copy of my blog. Seconds after, I broke down to tears. Jaiden seems to understand my emotions because he didn't move so much (his normal moving self). He looked at me and innocent as he is he smiled at me. It took me a while to gain my composure. I really poured out all the emotions I felt. I don't know why I cried. Maybe because I was touched that his asking me to upload the original blog (he abhors) which could mean he regretted what he had just done? Or maybe I just don't like to remember anymore or anything about the original blog. I don't like to remember the fact that it took me my break time composing my sentences and groping for the right words to use. It was really hard labor and I was so excited to upload it and email it to him only to receive a cold reprimanding response.

I think I have to be careful whenever I'll talk here about himself because he's very sensitive of his privacy. This is one thing I have to remember from now on. As to my original blog? No, I don't have it anymore. Yeah, it was really "sayang" (useless) but I think it's okay (na lang) because it didn't serve it's purpose. Hence, needs to be reedited or for some paragraph to be deleted. That's it.

Oh, Privacy!

gem: My Valentine's Day: "gem: Happy Valetine's Day!!!!: 'Though every day should be a day of LOVEJust like we have our birthdaysToday is an occasion for LOVE I don'..."

The blog above has been edited to the max because just like the MTRCB the person mentioned didn't like it.

Just when I thought the outcome would be positive, I'm grounded again. Privacy, oh! privacy! to what extent do I divulge? My being talkative comes in. I forgot that the whole international network could possibly read this. So I must learn when to restrain to protect my privacy and my family as well.... tsskkk...tsskk... I have just been reprimanded and I feel so bad right now.

I'm having thoughts of blogging other stuff now and lessen about my everyday life.... this is what I need to rethink.......

One thing's for sure is that I feel so bad right now. It's not easy to be scolded when you think what you're doing would give him joy or would be of interest to him.

Privacy, oh!!!! privacy!

My Valentine's Day

gem: Happy Valetine's Day!!!!: "Though every day should be a day of LOVEJust like we have our birthdaysToday is an occasion for LOVE I don't expect much of today. I know t..."

While people in Facebook are very much uploading their pics of their events yesterday, our Valentine's day was just like an ordinary day.

During our younger relationship years, I was very much happy receiving flowers from him but now given my husband's situation, I guess I have to grow up. Maybe by next Valentine's day I still won't be able to receive flowers and this is something I have to ponder upon, if I have to convince myself to get used to it or I have to honestly inform my husband about my thought now. Maybe then, LOVE has to grow up: from puppy love to young love then to MATURE LOVE.

Howcver, I still would like to think that my hubby now is so busy and that I will have my flowers by next Valentine's day (fingers crossed). I believe receiving flower/s from a special someone is one of the happiest moment of a woman's life. There's no such thing that can substitute the beauty of a blossomed flower. Realizing that our love relationship could've been mature already but receiving at least a flower has no connection to it. :)

Defining Failure

This is a prayer after reading the story and Bible passages for today (Hebrews 11:24-34). I like it so I want to share it here.

The lessons we learn from our failures
Are lessons that help us succeed,
And if we are wise and we heed them,
Then failure is just what we need,
- D. He Haan

One major fiasco, however, doesn't mean one's whole life is a failure.
- Our Daily Bread, Vol.17

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valetine's Day!!!!

Though every day should be a day of LOVE
Just like we have our birthdays
Today is an occasion for LOVE

I don't expect much of today. I know that there'll be no romantic dinner for us. I don't know if my hubby would still give me flowers or any romantic stuff as he usually do. If he doesn't then I would have to think that he's busy? or has just outgrown with it already. I hope not. Nevertheless, I'll just have to be contented with his simple greetings of "Happy Valentine's" which he did last midnight while I was half awake. Also, seeing our baby Jaiden, the product of our LOVE, already completes my day as has always been.

We'll just have an ordinary dinner at the house. I'll have to ask him to go home early and eat together. Also, I'll ask him to just buy a cake to make our day and night different, that it's indeed a Valentine's day.

Reading the Bible today, reminds me of God's unconditional Love to us. His giving to us His only begotten son, Jesus. This is the ultimate Love the world has ever known.

Lord, teach us the secret of loving,
The love You are asking today;
Then help us to love one another;
For this we most earnestly pray.
-Anonymous, Daily Bread vol.17

Happy Valentine's day!!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


"All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, my two front teeth" this could've been Jaiden's wish when he was around five months old last Christmas but of course this is impossible for an infant mind. I could've do it for him but I didn't because I know how a baby suffers during teething and he was still very young to agonize.

Now it has been two days since Jaiden have a low fever, in dialect "dangas". Per his baby book, normal body temperature is from 36.5 to 37.5 degrees Celsius. Whenever I feel that Jaiden's head is hot, I immediately get his temperature and would later found out to be 37 C, still within the normal range. But he still would appear sickly maybe because his temperature is already close to 37.6 degrees Celsius.

I first noticed his "dangas" last Friday morning (February 11, 2011) after we went to ER (in Chong Hua) due to his hyper-acidity. We immediately speculated that he was teething but his pedia asked us (when I called her, thank God! she answered my call) to have him a stool and CBC exam due to his vomiting because he might have a UTI (by the way I wasn't able to tell her that Jaiden had a hyper-acidity). When I later realized that CBC has got to do with needle insertion for a certain blood extraction, I immediately had second thought. I don't like my baby to go through that process. Since he was just having a dangas, Ariel and I decided not to take the laboratory exams and observed his temperature if it would really turn out to be a "really" fever.

True enough, until now Jaiden's temperature hasn't really reached beyond 37.5 degrees Celsius whenever he has a "dangas". This is probably due to his teething. Later on, our speculation turned out to be correct since Jaiden's lower incisors are starting to appear. We found color white in his lower front gums.

Calpol is our partner in battling Jaiden's "dangas". We just can't ignore his low fever since he isn't his normal self whenever his feverish. He would just be contented in sitting on my lap watching in Youtube his favorite Twinkle Twinkle Little Star when normally he would stand up in delight with his ear to ear smile. At times he would whine but would stop when I carried him in my arms, his head on my shoulder. At least he doesn't throw a fit nor cry. So far our baby Jaiden's behaviour response to his teething is manageable. He still lives up to his mark as "not a crying baby" nor a "moody baby". Our baby Jaiden is still a happy baby.

I hope he can still cope up with the pain or uneasiness that goes with teething in his more soon to come teeth. Also, I hope to have a very high patience and so is for my mama in dealing with Jaiden's teething behavior.

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Hopeful Weight Monitoring

gem: gem: gem: Reality Hits Me:

Yay!!! it's a good sign. Within a week I lost 1lb. So as of now, I'm 119 lbs.

I wasn't able to do my work out yesterday 'coz am afraid that my impending knee injury would surface. Thank God, when I woke up this morning my knee pain is unnoticeable. However, Jaiden woke up with me at six. So I hastily dressed up with my attire, scooped Jaiden and carried him downstairs. I let him sit in his stroller and I started my work out hoping that Jaiden would give me thirty minutes to do my Les Mills dance. So I had my son as my unwilling company. Just as I was about to finish Jaiden was already whining. So when I was done,I just allowed myself to slowed my movement a bit for my gradual decrease of heart palpitation for a brief time because Jaiden is already impatient. Then I carried him in my arms much to his delight and excitement. He knew that our walking-bonding moment is about to start. I walked him around the usual block for about ten minutes. I consumed my set allowance time, hence I came to the office late. tsk.tsk.tsk... I already set or promised to myselft that by seven-fifteen Jaiden and I should already be at home so that by around seven-twenty I could have my thirty minutes bath. But I'm always tempted to extend upon seeing Jaiden's enjoying face. Tomorrow I hope to be firm and be on time.

Well, it's always sad to be late at work but at least I have a good news for myself tonight. A nice info to end my day. Good night!!! ^-^

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Josh likes to hagwa Jaiden. Sorry, I don't know the English term but just read between the lines.

When Jaiden was still in his younger months (when he still spent most of his day sleeping in at least two to three hours), mama would really get mad at Josh because the moment Jaiden would make a soft cry in his crib, Josh immediately would rush upstairs leaving mama behind. Just a mere look at Josh's face, Jaiden would immediately be delighted which would mean he would find it hard to fall back asleep no matter how still sleepy he was. But before this would happen let's not forget that mama was just steps behind and she would as much as possible stop Josh from seeing Jaiden but was unsuccessful. Jaiden smile was from ear to ear already. Hence, mama would inevitably had to get Jaiden from his crib later on.

Josh also likes to do action stunts much to the likeness of Jaiden. Jaiden would shout, jump and be very moving while watching his Kuya Josh do his actions. This would be very useful when Jaiden is very much awake until he would be very sleepy. When sleepy comes, I would have to ask Josh to stop from moving or ask him to go downstairs away from Jaiden's gaze so Jaiden can now concentrate to fall asleep.

Josh is also very eager in assisting Jaiden to be lifted in the air by holding Jaiden's legs and lifting it himself (with mama or I am holding Jaiden's upper body) so Jaiden is at a state of euphoria.

Jaiden reciprocates his Kuya Josh fondness. I find Kuya Josh to be his idol. Good thing, Josh's immigrant to US application is in "indefinite wait" status because that would mean having Jaiden's happiness to be extended or to be longer.

Whenever Jaiden is confined in our room and Josh enters the scene, he would immediately look at Kuya Josh and jump for joy and giggle with delight. By just mere glance of Josh to him would make his lips curve showing his toothless gums with eyes turning to a crescent shape. So much much more when Josh would sing to him TheWheels on the Bus or Baba Black Sheep or Itsy Bitsy Spider not minding the erroneous lyrics, Jaiden would really do a very hearty giggle.

In the pics, it was one of those Josh - Jaiden bonding moments. Josh was cuddling Jaiden playfully while lying down. Even though Jaiden was already hungry (as he was thumbsucking), he still allowed what his Kuya Josh did to him. He didn't whine but giggled a lot.

Jaiden really enjoys Kuya Josh's "hagwa" and Josh also enjoys making hagwa to Jaiden.

Both of them are really fond of each other. I'm glad Josh is living with us. It's as if Jaiden has an older brother who always makes his day.
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High Chair

I have observed that preschools are usually aren't stay put when they eat. Mamas or yayas often have to follow them to feed while they run around and play.

My nephew, Josh, is one of them. He's already about to be seven years old. Even though he knows that he can already eat on his own, he still wants to let his mamala (grandma) spoon-feed him for reasons that he can't let go of the console joystick or the computer keyboard he's holding. However, when at times that his mamala isn't around and he would really be very hungry already, he would have no choice but eat on his own.

Worse is Josh's friend, Ken. His mother would follow him around (to spoon-feed him) even to the house of his playmate. At times, he would eat in our place because he doesn't like to end his play with Josh. So his mama would just give him his plate of food and instruct him to eat. This time, Josh and Ken would eat on their own , the good thing of letting them eat together. On the other hand, Ken's mama is already satisfied that his son has eaten already though not in their house.

I also saw other toddlers or preschools being fed outside of their houses. So literally they're already in our subdivision's road. Their "alaga" (child being taken care of) is either running around or playing with their bikes. They also seem to find it okay to have their child eat while playing.

The above are just the scenarios I don't like my baby Jaiden to be doing someday. His pediatrician advised us to have him in a high chair on his first solid food eating to train him to be in a proper place during his meal. A no-no is the walker as he'll think that it's okay to eat while walking or playing around. He should really be in a high chair. When he can already hold his own spoon and fork or eat finger foods, he should be eating together with us during our regular meal time. With this, he'll associate that eating time is really eating time in a proper place and at proper times. Also, we have to be patient in cleaning his eating mess as this is a priceless sacrifice for his training.

So we planned to buy one and canvassed for its price. I was initially shocked of its price. In SM, the prices range from two thousand pesos plus to fifteen thousand pesos plus (for the branded). Gosh! I couldn't believe my eyes knowing that using this high chair isn't forever. So we didn't buy at that moment. Later on I was getting used to its price ranges.

The need to buy arouse when Jaiden in his stroller was getting hard to feed. He would slouch and move his head (due to the stroller's very spacious front) to the extent that the Cerelac would unintentionally be placed anywhere in his face. Then his stroller would get very dirty of the mess.

Having SM's info of its high chair prices I asked Ariel to visit Metro Ayala. Fortunately there were high chairs sold at reasonable prices. So Ariel bought one at a price of almost five thousand pesos. The price wasn't a big deal then since the high chair is of good quality.

In the picture below, it's obvious that Jaiden is enjoying his high chair. I just hope that this will be for good.
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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Impending Injury

gem: gem: gem: Reality Hits Me:

I had again my work out just this morning. I felt good since so far I have made it daily. "Syaro!" hhehehehhehehe

However, I'm feeling an impending knee injury in my left knee. It some kind of familiar feeling when I had my jogging in Abellana sometime in 2009. The feeling I had was gradual. I contined jogging until the paid is unbearable. That halted my jogging.

I'm afraid that this will happen now to me again. Oh! I hope not please!!!! Now that I'm enjoying my morning routine. It's still too early to stop knowing that I haven't accomplished yet my goal.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Birthday to My Pangga!!

Happy birthday!!!!!

Bring on the balloons, confetti, cakes and ice creams!!!!

But it's not happening.

Today marks the 30th birthday of my Pangga. As it should have been celebrated with jubilation, my hubby doesn't like to do it because for him he's getting older. So I just succumb to his plans since nowadays I have less purchasing power. "Less purchasing power" in a sense that I'm confined here in a rural place the moment we agreed to hold office here in Lipata, Minglanilla. Unlike before, every time I want to buy something I can immediately go to Ayala after office. Now I find it hard to buy something sweet or thoughtful stuff or anything that would make the occasion a joyous celebration.

Good thing I was able to convince him to go to SM last Sunday, January 23, 2011. He somehow cooperated with me because he didn't went with us most of the malling time. So oblivious to him mama and I were able to buy a customized "I love Cebu" shirt. So I was able to purchased an "Aying love Cebu" t-shirt. I thought it was an okay gift since my husband has a patriotic spirit. I found this out when he was about to go to Lexington last year. He said he would bring all his t-shirts that bear the name Philippines. So he brought his Sinulog t-shirt and Cebu Philippines t-shirt of Island Souvenir, et al though I think it wasn't notice because they were still mistakenly identified as Mexican.....heheheheh.

After I did my work out before he would awake, I put his "Aying love Cebu" t-shirt in his dresser on top of all his piled clothes for him to immediately see it with a note "Happy birthday! baby and I love you!". This at least would be a little surprise to him and would made his day special.

To top it all after I took a bath, I woke him up with a birthday greeting kiss. Then I let the moment unfold.

Later on in the sala with our baby in his walker, my Pangga went downstairs wearing his new t-shirt. Hence, it was a mission accomplished.

In the car on our way to our office, Pangga told me that we'll have a simple dinner salo-salo with his mama and others (immediate family) this coming Sunday, February 6, 2011.

When I sat on my office chair, I just remembered something. I SMS Pangga to drop by Sto. Nino to light his birthday candle and give thanks for another given year. I hope he'll do it, if not, then at least in his thoughts and prayers.

One thing I can really say is that my husband is really a simple person.

Happy Birthday Pangga!!!! from your loving baby and me.

gem: gem: My Chronic Dry Cough

gem: gem: My Chronic Dry Cough:

Gosh! I thought my dry cough is gone for good. Well, what is chronic dry cough then if it would just stay in you for a short time. But isn't months of cough a chronic one? Maybe mine would last for a year or years? Oh! I hope so not.

Sad to say, I still coughed from time to time specially during wee hours. I guess, the doctor's diagnosis is right. A sudden drop of temperature would cause me to cough so I have to keep myself warm as much as possible.

Huhuhhuhu!!! I don't know when will this cough would grow tire of me.

gem: gem: Reality Hits Me

gem: gem: Reality Hits Me:

Well, I think so far luck is in me. ^_^

Since Tuesday, I have been able to do my work out routine every morning. My baby Jaiden still allowed me to do so. One time he woke around five-twenty in the morning, played or crawled a little while and had me cradled him, then he went back to sleep around six-twenty. So I immediately dressed up fast and worked out. Same thing happened last Wednesday.

But on Thursday, since that night he went to sleep around eight. So by 6AM since he was still asleep I decided to had my work out. By the time I finished, I went upstairs and found him on his stomach, awake. Since there was still ten minutes left before my bath time, I scooped him up and had our stroll in the subdivision in the same, usual block.

Last night was Jaiden's latest sleep. He slept by ten already so as expected he was still not awake by six o'clock. So again I had my work out. And what happened next is the same as that of Thursday. :)

I hope I would loose weight. So far, I haven't. :(

I haven't change much of my diet except that I have reduced my rice intake as much as possible.

Hahahayyy.... I dream of the day, when I will be able to wear on my jeans again.

Such a long way to go......